A person without a place
to stay needs a roof
and a helping hand first.

I would like to help

Even the very first days of life on the street may cause a devastating personality impact. The project Roof First gives a helping hand to those people who have lost their housing. It provides them with free housing in dormitories and shelters for up to two months. New facilities and support of professionals aim to enable them to breathe again and assist in finding of housing, getting missing documents, social benefits and help in a search for job.

Roof First is designed for those who:

  • immediately found themselves on the street or are motivated to get off the street,
  • found themselves in a stressful situation in which prolonged life on the street can be harmful for them,
  • reside in a facility with the support of a social worker, but their stay there is seriously threatened.

Any newcomer is given one month of free of charge housing. When necessary, the second month of free of charge housing can be offered – it depends on the assessment of a social worker. Willingness to cooperate on the part of the client is prerequisite. Social worker meets a client as needed, at least once a week. There is a chance of reintegration into the project for those clients who did not initially take an advantage of the accommodation.

All the funds collected go for client's accommodation. Monthly updates are provided with the status of incoming and outgoing funds and the number of clients supported.

Housing is provided by social services in Prague, Brno, Ostrava, České Budějovice, Havířov, Horní Jiřetín, Jablonec nad Nisou, Klášterec nad Ohří, Liberec, Litoměřice, Mladá Boleslav, Opava, Plzeň, Roudnice nad Labem and Vsetín. Their contact list can be found under the Housing bookmark.

Who is behind


Patron and initiator of the project is Vojtěch Sedláček.


Administration of the project is provided by The Committee of Good Will - Olga Havel Foundation.


Until 31 December 2017, the project was implemented by the NADĚJE foundation.

"A person on the street without resources is always somehow wounded, from the social point of view even seriously wounded. It is surprising how often a relatively small help can stop people from failing into permanent homelessness, and help them stand on their own feet."

Vojtěch Sedláček

I would like to help

Partner Name: Výbor dobré vůle – Nadace Olgy Havlové, projekt Nejdřív střecha
IBAN: CZ31 0300 0000 0004 7843 7383, BIC (SWIFT): CEKOCZPP, Variable Symbol (Reference Number): 201405
BANK: CSOB, a.s. (Ceskoslovenska obchodni banka, a.s.), BANK ADRESS: Radlická 333/150, 150 57 Praha 5

Numbers and stories

Supported individuals

During the 125 months of the project existence, donors have given a chance to 3099 people without a place to stay.


     1986 male     

     637 female    

   476 families   


TIP: To view a story, click on the white characters

Martina, 44 years- she and her adult son came to the day centre after their two-day stay on the street. They lost their housing because of domestic violence. They escaped from Martina's mother´s violent boyfriend. The woman was discharged from the public employment office. Through the Roof First project, she was accommodated in a shelter. She found a job, moved out of a shelter and started to live with her son again. Her son took part in the project too.

Number of nights: 33

Vojtěch, 58 years – he came to ask for help after his two-week stay on the street. Till then, he had lived in a rented apartment payed for from his teacher´s salary. After his teaching position was cut off because of staff cutbacks, he had worked as a storeman. Then he lost even that job and became homeless. Owing to the Roof First project he could use the accommodation in a dormitory. Together with social workers, he managed to renew his expired identity card and he registered himself with the public employment office. With the unemployment benefits he was able to pay accommodation in a shelter, where they helped him to find a new job.

Number of nights: 30

Lukáš, 20 years - he was on the street for a few days. He had an opportunity to get a job with accommodation, however, he did not have money to pay a rent. Due to the Roof First project, he was accommodated in a dormitory till he got his job. In a term given, he started to work and live in his employer’s accommodation.

Number of nights: 11

Ivan, 28 years - he had been robbed on his way to Germany, where he was promised a job. As he had not experienced such a situation before, he was ashamed of it and he didn´t carry on to Germany anymore. While in a shelter, he started to co-operate with the Job Club. He found occasional work and, later on, a permanent job out of Prague.

Number of nights: 28

Petr, 36 years - he had worked for 11 years as a garbage collector. After divorce, he found himself on the street, where he had spent two months. He lost his identity card and then he even lost his job. During his stay in a dormitory, he managed to regain a new identity card and he started to search for a job. First, he found an occasional work, later a permanent job. He stopped using social services and left to live in a commercial accommodation.

Number of nights: 30

Roman, 48 years - he came to ask for help to NADĚJE. He and his girlfriend had been living in a rooming house, but both have lost their jobs and found themselves on the street. Roman joined the Roof First project and was accommodated in a dormitory. He was helped by a social worker and a curator, who helped him to expedite a registration with public employment office. He was provided various contacts for the recruitment agencies and job offers. He was assisted in exchange of an expired identity card and in getting other documents that necessary to get a job. After two weeks, Roman has found a part-time job in a warehouse, then a permanent job was offered to him by a manager. Now, Roman lives in a shelter, he has a job and solves the debt problems from his past.

Number of nights: 30


Donors have already helped with the amount of CZK 9 248 635.
The remaining funds will help 239 people without housing.

Paid for Housing: CZK 9 008 777
Still available: CZK 239 858
  • Even CZK 1 000 may help solve situation of a person who has just found him/herself on the street.
  • Even three weeks of the roof over a head may help resolve the acute crisis situation of a person who just lost home.
  • More than a half of people without housing who participated in the project were able to improve their situation.


DONATIONS IN 2024, updated on January 1


  • Část výtěžku z 6. ročníku Běhu dobré vůle
  • Sadílek Petr
  • Sedláček Vojtěch

  • Donation CZK 50.001 - 100.000

  • MEDIAN, s.r.o.
  • Strohmy a.s.
  • Vinné sklepy Kutná Hora
  • Výtěžek z benefičního koncertu KŠB
  • Zoubek Martin

  • Donation CZK 20.001 - 50.000

  • Bříza & Trubač, s.r.o., advokátní kancelář
  • Cachová Tereza
  • Plocková Vlasta
  • Procházka Josef
  • Sheils Clare
  • Sukhomlina Kristina
  • Zohorna Tomáš

  • Donation CZK 10.001 - 20.000

  • Kazda Alexandr
  • Krebs Aleš
  • Leschingerová Veronika
  • Nováčková Michala
  • Rýparovi
  • Ševčík René
  • Trlifajová Kateřina
  • Turková Karolína
  • Záruba Martin

  • Donation CZK 5.001 - 10.000

  • Babický Jan
  • Barhoň Josef
  • Bezchlebová Eva
  • Bukovská Johana
  • Crhová Blanka
  • Doubková Darina
  • ELDACO a.s.
  • Jandová Kateřina
  • Korbel Jan
  • Krátká Marie
  • Löblová Blanka
  • Rada Vít
  • Stříhavková Šárka
  • Ulverová Tereza
  • Václavů Kateřina
  • Vystrčilová Darina

  • Donation CZK 2.001 - 5.000

  • Balous Václav
  • Bubeníček Jiří
  • Dobšáková Zuzana
  • Doležal Michal
  • Fiedlerová Markéta
  • Fišer Ladislav
  • Fliedr Jiří
  • Granja Monika
  • Churáčková Zdeňka
  • Chvátal Tomáš
  • Kadlecová Lucie
  • Kislinger Jan
  • Kortyšová Michaela
  • Kovárníková Kateřina
  • Krebsovi
  • Kudrna František
  • Lang Tomáš
  • Mrkvičková Olga
  • Mudrová Dana
  • Nešpor Robert
  • Niederlová Veronika
  • Panich Vladimir
  • Pinc Zdeněk
  • Ptáčková Kateřina
  • Rídlová Michaela
  • Soukalová Jana
  • Šebek Josef
  • Šindelková Edita
  • Trefný Jan
  • Vojáček Ivo
  • Zárubová Nemesová Katarina

  • Donation CZK 1.001 - 2.000

  • Beránková Pavla
  • Bubby Bubby s.r.o.
  • Franková Lucie
  • Komárková Mlada
  • Laksarová Hana
  • Palek Karel
  • Pohorelec Pavel
  • Sekera Jiří
  • Sokolová Veronika
  • Šemík Karel
  • Šimáček Dalibor
  • Vejmelková Jana
  • Žárský Jakub

  • Donation CZK 1.000

  • Abduraimov Said
  • Granja Karolina
  • Hadincová Jana
  • Honsová Kateřina
  • Imbrová Marie
  • Kolářová Lucie
  • Krejčí Hana
  • Krůtová Eva
  • Křížek Vlastimil
  • Kubalík Jindřich
  • Litschmann Aleš
  • Lukeš Petr
  • Mladič Jiří
  • Mortaigne Alistaire
  • Mžourková Jana
  • Navarová Viktorie
  • Němcová Martina
  • Nguyen Xuan Hoang
  • Novotná Eliška
  • Pokorný Jiří
  • Potočková Klára
  • Sedloň Pavel
  • Smrčková Vlaďka
  • Sočuvková Alžbeta
  • Soperová Alžběta
  • Spolek klubu přátel školy Základní školy KolínV., Mnichovická 62
  • Stevens Jack
  • Svrček Martin
  • Šetlíková Magdalena
  • Šimková Kristina
  • Švec Vladimír
  • Třešňák Jiří
  • Tůmová Eva
  • Vojtěch Václav









Whom do you help?

People who just found themselves on the street without a support and without a job and need to quickly bounce from the bottom, people who decided to fight the loss of home and are motivated to start again, or people in acute situation in which their further stay on the street may endanger their lives.

Specifics of support

The contributions provide for the first two months of accommodation for people without a place to stay. Then, they have a chance to assess their situation and begin to solve it. Accommodation is available in dormitories (overnight stays only) or shelters (offering all-day stay). Gradually, the intention is to focus on providing full-day living in shelters or homes with the support of a social worker. Addition of intensive training of and social and psychological counseling is anticipated as a part of the project.

Reasoning behind

Even the immediate days of life spent on the street have a devastating personality impact. Therefore, it is important that the time of life on the street gets as short as possible. Roof First offers a helping hand to people who lost the roof over their head and enables them to gain time to assess their situation, regain all the necessary documents, find work etc. It depends on each individual whether he/she takes an offer of help.

Specific benefits

Stability, time, space, and, especially, a chance to return to normal life before completely sinking into life on the streets.

Amount that may help one client

The clients receive an overnight stay in a dormitory or an all-day accommodation in a shelter. It depends on their current situation and the availability of vacancies. In case the client does not have health limitations, or does not work at night, dormitory services are used as a preference. Price per night in a dormitory is about four times cheaper than the price of living in a shelter. Approximately 85% of the clients sleep in dormitories. The amount of CZK 1 000, which can help one client, is based on the calculation of the amount granted for an average night for successful clients. Clients whom the project helped the most needed to solve their situation within an average of 22 days.

Ways to support the project

Project can be supported in I would like to help section. All funds go directly to pay for the stay of specific clients.



Social services involved in the Roof First project


Armáda spásy K srdci klíč


Charita Beroun


Diecézní charita Brno
Armáda spásy


Městská charita České Budějovice


Armáda spásy






K srdci klíč


Charita Uherský Brod


Elim Vsetín


Charita Znojmo

The Committee of Good Will
- Olga Havel Foundation

Senovážné nám. 994/2,
110 00 Praha 1
FB: vybor.dobre.vule


Olga Mášová
project coordinator
Phone: +420 224 217 331
Email: masova@vdv.cz


Vojtěch Sedláček
patron and initiator of the project
Phone: +420 608 971 236
Email: provas@volny.cz

